Research and development


Data Economy Alps Strategy
Funded by ERDF through the Interreg Alpine Space programme € 1.915.509
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DEAS project aims to make effective use of open data to develop the data economy, a global digital ecosystem for collecting, organising and exchanging data for economic purposes in the Alpine areas. DEAS uses open data to develop new products and services on mobility, environment and tourism sector, using APIs (Application Program Interface) that allow direct interaction with those who make the data available.

The project is part of the Interreg Alpine Space, the Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020, which promotes cooperation and sustainable development between European regions in the Alps.

5 different countries are participating in the project: Italy, Austria, Germany, France and Slovenia. The Veneto region is the coordinator of the project and joins 10 partners including CSI which, through the use of its Yucca platform, develops the open source technology component and the city of Vercelli, for the development of pilot services in the cultural-tourist field. Regione Piemonte is observer of the project, to address open data policies on the territory  (www.dati.piemonte.it).

The sectors that can benefit from the use of open data fall into three macro areas: environment, transport, culture and tourism. The Interreg Alpine Space project, for the creation of innovative citizen-oriented services, uses the so-called "quadruple helix" model that includes public and private actors: public administration, civil society, university and industry.

Mobility and transport
Eccellenze e Temi strategici
International activities
Data strategy
Research and development