

Supply of IT equipment and software for improvement of Centralised Case Management System (CCMS) in courts
IPA 2017 National Programme for Serbia – Project EuropeAid/140728/DH/SUP/RS
Ministry of Justice (Serbia)
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The project, funded by the European Union, will develop a Centralised Case Management System (CCMS) for the Serbian courts of general jurisdiction, the Administrative court/s and commercial courts. The project will also provide the hardware and software for the development of part of the government data centre.

The main objective of the project is the migration of the data archived in the two systems that are currently used (AVP distributed system and SAPS pilot system) to the new centralised system and the training of the officials that will use it daily. 

CSI is responsible for the change management component, collaborating with the Serbian Ministry of Justice and over 10,000 officials working in the courts all over the country, helping them in the transition towards the new case management system. CSI is also sharing its experience on the more technical aspects of the project, providing support on business continuity for the new system and carrying out an analysis on its possible vulnerabilities. 

The project is an interesting opportunity to strengthen the international cooperation in Serbia, consolidate institutional networking and identify new possible market opportunities. 

Partners: UNISTAR LC d.o.o. (Slovenia) Lead Partner, Actual I.T. doo Beograd (Serbia), OMEGA Business Development d.o.o. (Serbia), FON Fakultet Organizacionih Nauka (Serbia), KP Consultancy Services d.o.o. (Serbia), CSI Piemonte (Italy)

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