Agriculture in Kosovo: a fully integrated information system

CSI Piemonte has been awarded, as a partner, this project that supports Kosovo's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) in aligning with EU standards and practices.
The expected results for Kosovo are:
- primary and secondary national legislation for the agricultural market organisation, compliant with EU regulations and practices
- good institutional skills to implement this legislation
- an integrated, comprehensive and functional agricultural information system
- stakeholder and public awareness of the project to support the effective implementation of the new legislation.
CSI participates in the implementation of the Integrated Agricultural Information System. Bringing Kosovo's agricultural information system closer to the EU agricultural acquis, the agricultural statistics system was upgraded, reducing redundancy, improving consistency, timing, reliability, efficiency and decreasing response burden. This was achieved through the design and implementation of an efficient data exchange system between the Ministry of Agriculture (MAFRD) and KAS (Kosovo Statistical Agency), within the existing legal framework and capabilities of the two institutions.
Partner: lead partner Agriconsulting Europe SA - AESA (Belgium), Agence pour le Développement de la Coopération internationale dans les domaines de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et des espaces ruraux - ADECIA (France), CSI Piemonte (Italy)