The project aims to test and verify the application of blockchains in the management of documents, certificates and information. Equally important is the ability to synchronize the databases of the public administration, civil registry, cadastre, tax, registered documents, but also protected information such as health records.
Being a foreigner, coming from a non-European culture, sometimes having a history of escaping from unsustainable or dangerous situations often leads to losing the formal and social identity built in the country of origin, at the same time the demand for information from the surrounding environment is greater. Through blockchain it is possible to structure technologies for trust, able to fill the information gap that curbs the processes of inclusion of immigrants, without leading to stigmatisation or discrimination of privacy right.
The project aims to create a virtual document wallet that contains self-generated certificates together with documents generated by private and public services with which the immigrant comes into contact. The wallet will be designed mainly for mobile use and, at the same time, accessible from any other networked device. Another fundamental aspect will be the granular management of privacy, not intended as a discriminating index, but as an opportunity to collect traces that will allow immigrants to accelerate their social inclusion, certifications that encourage hospitality by private individuals free of charge or in shared apartments.
This complex ecosystem, multi organization, which depends on the trust that all parties are developing and integrating in a reliable way requires standardized and automated development and release methodologies and tools such as DevOPS as a way to ensure the reliability of the software involved and testing activities, replicability, product distribution. The project is part of the sharing economy and will evaluate possible integrations with other blockchain operations conducted by the University of Turin.