Torinofacile, the whole city for you
Torinofacile is the online services platform of the City of Turin for citizens, businesses and professionals.
On line since 2001, in 2018 the portal was completely redesigned by CSI Piemonte, inspired by the websites of the banking world.
With the new Torinofacile, citizens can communicate with the Administration 24 hours a day, from their computer, smartphone and tablet. They can change their place of residence, search the portal about a building practice, receive tax information or personal data, enroll their children in nursery, pay fines and schedule appointments at the municipal offices. And also receive communications from the municipality, such as the notice on the expiry date of the identity card.
video in Italian
Thanks to the AgID guidelines, the design system has created a new, streamlined, easy and immediate way of interacting with the public administration: unified access for the citizens to all their information, use of multi-channel, and simplification of the processes that discipline the relationship between the City and the citizens.
In full compliance with the AgID Interoperability Model Guidelines, the architectural structure of the portal has been built on the new paradigms of API application development that allow complete interoperability with the outside, both for the development of external services and for data exchange with other public administrations.
In the first nine months, between January and September 2019, access to the portal was 850,000.
The CSI also managed the Torinofacile communication campaign, which ranked 1st in the "institutional sites" category at the NC Digital Awards 2019.