User Research and usability test in CSI

CSI promotes research activities to study users in order to design services that can meet their actual needs. Our UX team has gained considerable experience in both quantitative research (web analytics, survey) and qualitative research (individual interviews, context analysis, co-design sessions, usability tests with users).
Qualitative research aims to understand the motivations underlying user attitudes and behaviours, studying activities, contexts of use, needs but also failures and frustrations. Unlike quantitative research, it is based not only on what people say, but tries to look deeper, also mapping what they do and think.
In the design of digital services, the UX team uses the qualitative approach in different stages, depending on the characteristics of the project: from the initial assessment phase, to the design and concept phase, to the final validation phase.
Since usability is not an abstract concept but a measurable construct, one of the techniques to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and degree of satisfaction that interfaces can generate is the usability test with users.
CSI methodology for usability testing article in Italian
In this article, published in the pages of Designers Italia on Medium, Andrea Muraca and Andrea Di Pizio explain the methodology of the UX team and the results obtained in measuring the usability of two important web services for Piedmont citizens: the collection of medical reports and the change of family doctor.
November 2019
Andrea Di Pizio