A project to accelerate the achievement of the EU’s Vision Zero goal by 2050.
Structured data analysis for climate change management.
A single point of access in Europe for trusted Cloud and Edge services across different domains.
Innovative tools and a new approach for first responders in an emergency.
A business intelligence solution, adaptable to every European country, to facilitate the integration process of migrants and refugees.
Lectures, classrooms, didactics and outliers: predictive models based on Machine Learning.
Big data platform and artificial intelligence-based services to improve forest fire management.
Blockchain and innovative technologies for agri-food products tracking throughout the whole supply chain.
Prototypes to automate the execution of processes and activities, using predictive and recommendation techniques.
Technologies for the rapid and effective reading of the genome and artificial intelligence algorithms: an aid for the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.
Digitize and share the cultural heritage of the French-Italian border territories to promote knowledge and economic development.
Know the risks related to the presence of dams on Alpine territories and improve safety management.
Open data for environment, transport and tourism in Alpine regions.
Innovative tools to support natural risk management in Europe, based on big data technologies, social media analysis, smartphones and wearable devices.
Inclusive blockchain for digital citizenship. Test and verify the application of blockchain in the management of documents, certificates and information applied to immigrants.
The "social bonus" model applied to the Turin-based initiative Estate Ragazzi: a new service for families all managed by smartphone, with blockchain technology.
Solutions that will improve physical and cyber security of critical health infrastructure, in a seamless and cost-effective way.
A digital simulator for land-use planning and use of soil reduction: it assesses the environmental losses caused by soil artificialisation actions and quantifies the economic cost for society.
A unified system for the security of critical infrastructures, with an experimentation in the environmental, healthcare and railway systems.
Energy is consumed by people, not by buildings. Open and integrated IT solutions to promote a cultural change in energy use.
A new generation of low power consumption systems to improve computational energy efficiency through the development of heterogeneous architectures, distributing the workload according to applications and server technology.
Create new services in the Internet of Things, using data from different platforms, with no need to develop specific access solutions.
Geomatic solutions with low cost technologies to monitor slopes and infrastructure (landslides, dams, viaducts).
Enhancement of regional health data using Yucca - Smart Data Platform for better governance.
Context and Artificial Intelligence based Platform for man-machine conversational interaction.
Yucca is the open and free regional platform that interconnects the world of things and the world of people to improve the understanding of reality.
Share and valorise needs and experiences for data collection and use.
Assessment and monitoring of soil protection assets for emergency management.
Methodologies and infrastructure solutions for managing blockchain-based projects.
Innovative solutions for the valorisation of Piedmont's cultural heritage, from the cataloguing of materials to digital fruition.